kpop groups stan list (2024)

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Inspired by @cutekitty12 and @folkstray !! thanks to cutekitty for letting me use your idea

By fernforest


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")$ => {window.onClickObjective(reckoningQuestObjective.quest_number, reckoningQuestObjective.objective_number, reckoningQuestObjective.quest_id, reckoningQuestObjective.objective_id, $objective);});if (!window.mweb) {$j('#snark').hide();$objective.insertAfter($j('#gameOverMsg'));} else if (is_flagship_app_view) {$j('#snark').html();$objective.appendTo($j('#snark'));} else {$objective.appendTo($j('#reckoning .stats-wrapper'));}} else if (showSnark) {var snark = getSnark(userPct);var attachSnarkModalListener = false;if (snark !== '') {snark = ""+snark+"";if (!window.mweb) {if (false) {attachSnarkModalListener = true;snark += "";} else {snark += "";}}} else {$j('#snark').hide();}$j('#snark').html(snark);if(attachSnarkModalListener){ $j('#hide-snark-open-confirmation-modal').on('click', function () { var modalArgs = {title: 'Hide These Messages?',message: 'Are you sure you want to hide post-quiz messages?', onYes: function(remodal){ $j.ajax({ type: "GET", url: "/ajax/user_settings.php", data: {s: 0}, success: function(response) { if (response.success) { $j('#snark').hide(); remodal.close(); } else { if (response.responseJSON.message) { remodal.$modal.find('#confirmation-error').html(response.responseJSON.message); remodal.$modal.find('#confirmation-error').show(); } else { remodal.$modal.find('#confirmation-error').html('There was an error saving your preferences. Please contact feedback if you continue to see this issue.'); remodal.$modal.find('#confirmation-error').show(); } } }, error: function(response) { if (response.responseJSON.message) { remodal.$modal.find('#confirmation-error').html(response.responseJSON.message); remodal.$modal.find('#confirmation-error').show(); } else { remodal.$modal.find('#confirmation-error').html('There was an error saving your preferences. Please contact feedback if you continue to see this issue.'); remodal.$modal.find('#confirmation-error').show(); } } }); } }; SporcleLib.Modal._openConfirmationModal(modalArgs); }); }} else {$j('#snark').hide();}// Update get reckoning with playlist infovar playlistData;if (mweb) {playlistData = typeof window.playlist === 'object' && window.playlist.hasOwnProperty('games') ? window.playlist : null;} else {playlistData = window.Sporcle.gameData.playlist ? : null;}if (playlistData) {playlistReckoning(playlistData, userPct, false && !stopwatch);}$j('#playGameBar').addClass('reckoning');$j('#reckonBox').show();if (mweb) {/* mobile games only */$j('#reckoning-numright').html(numRight);$j('#reckoning-time').html(displayTime(timerSecs));if (stopwatch) {$j('#reckoning-time-title').text("Stopwatch");$j('#reckoning-time, #reckoning-score').addClass('timePast');}var checkToOpenFlorinPlayGoalModal = () => {if (userPct == 0) {return;}if (!florinsPlayGoalData) {return;}var openModal = false;if (florinsPlayGoalData.reward_claimable) {openModal = true;} else if (florinsPlayGoalData.curr_streak + 1 == florinsPlayGoalData.goal_days && florinsPlayGoalData.plays_today == 0) {// First play of the day, this should complete their play goalopenModal = true;}if (openModal) { window.SporcleLib.Modal.openFlorinPlayGoalModal({ // Fudge these values to be at the goal, since we haven't necessarily logged this play yet and it might be the 7th curr_streak : florinsPlayGoalData.goal_days, reward_claimable : true, plays_today : florinsPlayGoalData.plays_today + 1, goal_days : florinsPlayGoalData.goal_days, reward_amount : florinsPlayGoalData.reward_amount, })}}if (is_flagship_app_view) {let animations = window.animations;let hapticType = 'success';let completeMsg;let animConfig = {animationData : animations.checkmark,loop : true,playSegments : [[0, 30], [31, 75]]};if (userPct == 1) {animConfig.animationData = animations.perfectScore;animConfig.playSegments = [[0, 14], [15, 75]];completeMsg = "Perfect Score!";} else if (timerSecs == 0) {hapticType = 'error';animConfig.animationData = animations.outOfTime;animConfig.playSegments = [[0, 14], [15, 75]];completeMsg = "Out of Time!";} else if (_spks && !didGiveUp) {hapticType = 'error';animConfig.animationData = animations.bomb;animConfig.playSegments = [[0, 14], [15, 75]];completeMsg = "You Hit a Mine!";}window.SporcleLib.Modal.openModalFromTpl($j('#post-game-modal-tpl').html(), {show_loading : false,onInit : (modal) => {let $modal = modal.$modal; 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} } else if ( === 'day_of_the_week'){ var d = new Date(); if((d.getDay() == criterion.value && comparison === 0) || (d.getDay() > criterion.value && comparison === 1) || (d.getDay() < criterion.value && comparison === -1) ){ earnedCount++; } } else if ( === 'avg_percent' && typeof averageScore !== 'undefined') {var roundedUserPct = _.round(userPct, 2); //matches backend precision in badge trackervar roundedAvgPct = _.round(averageScore, 2);if((roundedUserPct == roundedAvgPct && comparison === 0) || (roundedUserPct > roundedAvgPct && comparison === 1) || (roundedUserPct < roundedAvgPct && comparison === -1) ){ earnedCount++; } }}); earned = earnedCount == requiredCount;} else {earned = true;}} if (earned) {quizBadge.condition_earned = true;quizBadge.achieved_count++; var spliceIndex = null;_(quizBadge.remaining_conditions).each(function(condition, index) {if (quizBadge.condition_id == condition.condition_id) {spliceIndex = index;}});_(quizBadge.conditions).each(function(condition, index) {if (quizBadge.condition_id == condition.condition_id) {condition.earned = true;}});if (spliceIndex !== null) {quizBadge.remaining_conditions.splice(spliceIndex, 1); 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' +'

' +'

' +'

' +'

' +'

').appendTo($j('body'));}if (hint) {var $afterContainer = $hint.find('.afterContainer');var $after = $hint.find('.after');// Set to max width before resize$afterContainer.css({width: '120px'});$;// Set tooltip text to hint$after.html(hint);// Get width of tooltip with textvar width = Math.ceil($after[0].offsetWidth) + 1;var leftShift = 0;if (mweb) {// Make sure the tooltip doesn't go off either side of the screenvar leftBound = 51;var rightBound = $j('body').width() - 71;var buf = 11;// Shift based on width of textvar shiftLimit = Math.max(width/2 - 20, 0);if (x < leftBound) {// Too close to left edge of screenleftShift = -shiftLimit;x = Math.max(x, buf);} else if (x > rightBound) {// Too close to right edge of screenleftShift = shiftLimit;x = Math.min(x, $j('body').width() - buf);}}// Set the position of the hint$hint.css({left: x + 'px',top: y + 'px',});// Set outer container size and position$afterContainer.css({width: width + 'px',left: '-' + ((width / 2) + leftShift) + 'px'});} else {$hint.hide();}}function getRandomColor() {var r = Math.round(Math.random() * 255);var g = Math.round(Math.random() * 255);var b = Math.round(Math.random() * 255);return 'rgb(' + r + ',' + g + ',' + b + ')';}function hintTooltipIsDisplayed() {return $j('#hintTooltip').is(':visible');}function getCurrentHintText() {return $j('#hintTooltip .afterContainer .after').text();}// This is used to yield execution to the main javascript thread so that we can break longer running tasks into smaller tasks.// See here: yieldToMain () {return new Promise(resolve => {setTimeout(resolve, 0);});}async function runStartCode(stopwatch) {if (typeof gamePageIsLoaded != "undefined" && gamePageIsLoaded) {if (window.startTriggered) {return;} else {window.startTriggered = true;}if (typeof stopwatch !== 'undefined') {if (stopwatch) {window.selectTimerSetting('stopwatch');} else {window.selectTimerSetting('timer');}}// The `startGame` function does a lot, so we want to yield execution both before and after this call. Yielding before// will allow the existing task to finish, freeing up the runtime to move to the next thing in the message queue before startGame// executes. Yielding after will do the same, before we perform the rest of the actions related to starting a quiz.await yieldToMain();await startGame(1200);await yieldToMain();pickSlot();callSPHooks('postStart');}}function callSPHooks(name) {if (typeof _spHooks != 'undefined') {var hlen = _spHooks[name].length;for (var i = 0; i < hlen; i++) {_spHooks[name][i]();}}}


Quiz is untimed. Quiz plays in practice mode will not be counted towards challenge completion or badge progress.


kpop groups stan list (2024)


Is it okay to stan only one K-pop group? ›

You really don't have to force yourself to stan more than one group, it's perfectly fine if you only want to stan one, it doesn't make you any less of a kpop stan. It's true there are a lot of multi stans, but there are also a lot of people who only stan one group, so you really don't have to worry about that!

Which K-pop group struggled the most? ›

Breaking into the industry, BTS was not welcomed with open arms. Because the K-pop competition was so fierce, the odds of success as a group were incredibly slim. BTS members struggled at first with impostor syndrome, performance flubs and bullying from the public.

Who is the Stan attractor of K-pop? ›

Of course Jungkook, Jimin and other members have also gone viral quite a lot, but that was only among kpop fans and Army, not among people who dont stan BTS or arent into Kpop. SO IT CAN BE EASILY SAID THAT KIM TAEHYUNG IS THE ULTIMATE STAN ATTRACTOR.

What is a K-pop stan list? ›

Basically just a list of all the groups and soloists i stan.

What is a soft Stan in K-pop? ›

Soft stans tend to like the more softer cuter side to idols. They make cute edits and feel like their idols are squishy adorable men/women. while hard stans do like the soft cute side of idols, they (and when I say they I mean me 😂) also acknowledge their sexy side.

How old is the average K-pop Stan? ›

The average age of a K-pop fan is 23 years old, and over half are female.

What K-pop group won t survive without that one member? ›

Koop groups that won't survive without leader/that one member
  • Skz won't survive without Bangchan as the other members would end up killing one another without the presence of bangchan💀 Jokes aside he writes most of their songs and has the 2nd most lines in his group. ...
  • Forget gidle even cube won't survive without soyeon💀
Mar 15, 2024

Which K-pop groups are losing popularity? ›

The domestic slump coincides with those same performers — BlackPink, BTS, and the irascible Psy, who unleashed "Gangnam Style" on an unsuspecting world back in 2012 — growing in popularity on the international music scene.

Who is the most loved K-pop girl group? ›

Even if you aren't a K-pop fan, chances are you've heard of Blackpink. They're arguably the most popular K-pop girl group of all time.

Who are Solo Stans? ›

So, you may be wondering what is a solo stan? A Solo Stan or (개인팬 ) gaeinpaen in Korean is someone that is a fan of a K-pop group but only likes 1 member out of the group and usually has little to no interest in the other members of the group.

Is Ryan Reynolds a K-pop Stan? ›

Ryan Reynolds isn't just a Swiftie: he's also a BLINK! While kicking off the press tour for Deadpool & Wolverine alongside pal Hugh Jackman in Seoul, South Korea, the Marvel actor showed his love for K-pop group Blackpink while answering fan questions.

What is the most powerful K-pop fandom in the world? ›

The biggest K-pop fandom is BTS' ARMY, with over 70 million fans worldwide.

Is it ok to stan multiple K-pop groups? ›

No, you can never “stan too many groups”. If you want to go ahead and support more groups, go ahead. It's hard, and confusing sometimes, but that doesn't mean there's a limit on how many groups you can stan. I stan about 20 (including the disbanded ones), and I'm perfectly fine :).

What are crazy K-pop stans called? ›

A sasaeng or sasaeng fan (Korean: 사생팬; Hanja: 私生팬; RR: sasaengpaen) is the South Korean term for an obsessive fan who acts in ways that invade the privacy of Korean idols, drama actors, or other public figures in the entertainment industry. One of the most notable activities associated with sasaeng fans is stalking.

Who are the kings of K-pop? ›

BTS member Jimin makes history as he wins the King of K-pop award at the 2023 Melon Music Awards. The famous South Korean award show is set to take place on December 2 at the Inspire Arena in Incheon, Yeonjongdo. The 28-year-old singer is the first and only soloist to ever win the esteemed King of K-pop title.

What is it called when you only Stan one group? ›

Solo stan.

Used as a pejorative term for K-Pop stans who only stan one idol out of a group. This is different from stans who have a bias or favorite. Solo stans don't just have a favorite, they only like the one member.

What are the rules of being a K-pop Stan? ›

How to Safely Navigate K-Pop Fandom
  • Protect Yourself First. Being a fan online comes with the benefit of anonymity and privacy. ...
  • Be Safe If You Meet in Person. ...
  • Respect the Humanity of K-pop Artists. ...
  • Be Open and Curious. ...
  • Educate Yourself. ...
  • Don't Worry About What Other People Think. ...
  • Honor Your Limits.

What is K-pop Stan Rule 1? ›

"Don't call yourself as a fan if you can't respect other fandoms and Idols."

What do you call a solo Stan in K-pop? ›

So, you may be wondering what is a solo stan? A Solo Stan or (개인팬 ) gaeinpaen in Korean is someone that is a fan of a K-pop group but only likes 1 member out of the group and usually has little to no interest in the other members of the group.

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Author: Reed Wilderman

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Name: Reed Wilderman

Birthday: 1992-06-14

Address: 998 Estell Village, Lake Oscarberg, SD 48713-6877

Phone: +21813267449721

Job: Technology Engineer

Hobby: Swimming, Do it yourself, Beekeeping, Lapidary, Cosplaying, Hiking, Graffiti

Introduction: My name is Reed Wilderman, I am a faithful, bright, lucky, adventurous, lively, rich, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.