Goldendoodle for Sale | Puppies | (2025)

The Goldendoodle is a cross between the Golden Retriever and Poodle dog breeds and tends to exhibit the best traits inherited from the parent breeds. Goldendoodles are highly intelligent and loyal companions, and their affectionate and gentle nature makes them some of the finest therapy dogs. They have moderate energy levels and love long walks and spending time with their family. Goldendoodle puppies shed very little and make an excellent choice for those with allergies.

Goldendoodle Puppies For Sale: About the Breed

Goldendoodles are one of the world's most beloved designer dog breeds. They have been loved since they first came about in the mid-1960s when they were developed to be low-shedding assistant dogs and exploded in popularity in the 1990s. Originally a hybrid cross between a purebred Golden Retriever and a Poodle, Goldendoodles can also be bred to Poodles or another Goldendoodle. Regardless of which generation or what size they may be, most Goldendoodles are known for their loyal, intelligent, family-oriented happy personalities.

Without a doubt, Goldendoodles are an ideal choice for prospective pet parents who desire companionship while introducing a little bit of fun into their lives. Discover what it's like to own a Goldendoodle puppy for sale when you look at their characteristics, activity level, disposition, training, and grooming needs.


You may be googling, "What are the different sizes of Goldendoodle puppies for sale near me?" Goldendoodle puppies for sale come in all shapes and sizes and are typically described as Mini, Medium, or Standard Goldendoodles. A Mini Goldendoodle is bred to a Toy or Mini Poodle or another Mini Goldendoodle. A medium (or moyen) Goldendoodle puppy for sale usually grows to be 30-45 lbs. And stand 15-20 in. tall, and a Standard Goldendoodle can weigh 50+ lbs. and stand 22 in. tall.

Goldendoodle puppies have hair, not fur, a trait inherited from their Poodle parents. Their coat is considered hypoallergenic, which means they are low-shedding and are a great dog breed choice for people with allergies. They come in a huge range of colors thanks to their genetic background and always appear to be smiling.

Activity Level

As a mix of Poodle and Golden Retriever, both active breeds, it's no surprise that a Goldendoodle puppy for sale will also be medium-to-high energy and need daily exercise. They need about 30-60 minutes every day of both physical and mental stimulation to keep their bodies and brains active and healthy.

While they prefer to stay active, Goldendoodle puppies for sale prefer spending their time snuggling against their beloved human companion or lounging around. As such, Goldendoodles can adapt easily to anything from simple walks around the neighborhood to running errands with you to being highly trained therapy dogs.


When you search for a "Goldendoodle puppy for sale near me," you may explore their disposition. Their temperament is a reflection of their Poodle and Golden Retriever parentage with Goldendoodle owners enjoying their loyalty and intelligence along with a gentle spirit.

Goldendoodle puppies for sale are patient, sweet, and make fantastic family members. A Goldendoodle puppy wants to be in the middle of the action and make friends with strangers, other animals – basically anything and anyone they meet!


You'd be right if you assumed a Goldendoodle is intelligent based on their parent breeds. Goldendoodles by nature were bred to be assistance dogs, so they're extremely easy to train and eager to please their owners.

Consistency and positive reinforcement are keys to success when training a Goldendoodle puppy for sale. Obedience training and opportunities for socialization give a Goldendoodle puppy a chance to learn how to behave properly out in public. Goldendoodles can be exuberant and boisterous, so training them to be calm and have nice manners will go a long way in other people and animals enjoying their company.

Grooming Needs & Care

A Goldendoodle puppy for sale will require regular professional grooming. As mentioned before, their hair coat grows like a human's, so frequent, consistent cuts and trims are needed to keep their hair under control. Their coats can be straight, wavy, fine, thick, or curly depending on genetics.

In addition to regular sessions at the groomer's, it's important to keep their nails trimmed, eyes and ears cleaned, and coat brushed in between visits to prevent matting. While Goldendoodle puppies are known to be low-shedding, this doesn't mean they will never shed, and the amount can vary depending on genetics.


Looking for a Goldendoodle puppy with a superior lineage? Are you trying to determine how much a Goldendoodle with breeding rights and papers would cost? You should expect to pay a premium price for a Goldendoodle puppy with breeding rights or show quality with papers. You should budget anywhere from $1,500 upwards to $6,770 or even more for Goldendoodle puppies for sale with top breed lines and a superior pedigree. The average cost for all Goldendoodle puppies for sale is $2,550.

Goldendoodle Characteristics

Full-Grown Size

Small Large

Grooming Needs

Seldom Regularly

Good with Dogs

Not Really Yes!

Watchdog Ability

Low High

Exercise Needs

Couch Potato High Needs

Color Variations

Curious about the color palette of Goldendoodle puppies? You'll discover a captivating array of hues and patterns that define their distinctive personalities. Below you will find common and rare coat colors for the Goldendoodle breed. *Remember, coat colors often change as a puppy grows older and cannot be guaranteed to remain constant.

  • Apricot
  • Black
  • Blue
  • Brown
  • Champagne
  • Chocolate
  • Cream
  • Fawn
  • Gray
  • Merle
  • Phantom
  • Red
  • Sable
  • Silver
  • Tan
  • White

Name Variations

Searching for common aliases for Goldendoodle puppies? Ever wondered what other names people use for this breed? Find your answer to what other people call the Goldendoodle by exploring their affectionate nicknames or monikers below. This list will help you in your search for GD puppies and even Golden Doodle puppies for sale as they relate to the Goldendoodle breed.

  • GD
  • Golden Doodle
  • Goldendoo
  • Goldenoodle
  • Goldenpoo
  • Goldie
  • Goldie Doodle
  • Goldie Poo
Goldendoodle for Sale | Puppies | (2025)
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Name: Barbera Armstrong

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